Monday, September 29, 2008

Orchids: a way to my heart

It's amazing how one little flower can make you feel so much. Just the look of it, the feel, the smell, and even the naturalistic form of it. It's also strange that if someone, anyone, knew that I loved orchids, or felt like I had a connection to them, I would probably show so much gratitude for them remembering or finding out what my favorite flower was. To me, that is a big thing, where others would say it is a small thing I am enjoying in my life. Like that saying, "enjoy the simpler things in life." I want to learn to live like that, although I don't think it's possible to teach yourself to live simple. So much has been created in my generation from the beginning of the theory of gravity and so on, that there is no way anyone can, or even would want to go back. There have been those few that have tried it and found out either they weren't cut out to live off the land (which we do, good ways and bad), or they found out that it is the best experience that they have had in their life. I want to do so much with my life, but so much of what I want to do involved computers, networking, remembering faces and names (and putting them together in the correct manner.) Not to say I'm not a people person. Sometimes humans take me by a big surprise. I've grown to learn that every one should know where they came from, which ever way they choose to find out. Through religion, through family, through anything. Since I was little, I've wanted to know about my ancestors and where I was from. I know that I have some connection to Europe, it being a feeling or just the fact that I'm a white mexican which means I might have some connection to the Spanish, but I rather think that is more of a feeling I have. Funny thing about feelings. You never know when they are right on cue, or in a totally different universe. I'm not sure where I wanted to go with this, but I started out with one idea, well actually quite a few, and I couldn't decide which one, so I guess there a few tangents that could be explained more clearly, which in fact, I am awful at. Or maybe it's the fact that I don't feel like sleeping, or just can't, and I want to see the future and the past at the same time and dream about things that happened in my life rather than relive them, and live the things that could happen to me in the future, but not know if those predictions would come true. Light is pretty funny too. It deceives. We all live a few seconds in the future, or present, however you'd like to see it. Life travels fast, but too fast for our eyes, therefore whatever we see is a few seconds off and in the past therefore, we are, in theory looking into the past. I dk why I even brought this up, but I really like thinking about it. 


the Villain said...

is that not y people log, bulliton, mass email, or so on. they want someone to know. why they want that is there prerogative. but i hope you find what you are looking for, since that seems to be the biggest thing i see though this whole thing.
and one day. someone special will give you those flowers, without even knowing, and you'll glow like never before. and from that on, i hope your happy. for all i like to see are smiles.

Landon Tucker Swindoll said...
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Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

Is it really orchids that are the best?

Why is that?
(and you can reply to me here on your blog =] )