Thursday, September 11, 2008

New and it will be used.

I don't write down my ideas unless they are ones that I believe are worth recording. Therefore, I made a decision to make one of these for myself and really for no one else to read. I tried having a Xanga but I didn't really catch on to it. My ideas are kind of like scribbles on a napkin of a fashion designer, or a journalists views of the world through newspaper clippings they have collected throughout the years of them wanting to be a writer. At this moment in time, I am aspiring photographer and graphic designer. I do not know how I came up with the want for this type of career, but basically I want to work for fashion and music magazines and take pictures of those people important to fashion or music at the time, or even travel with them and take pictures of mine and their adventures. The graphic designing idea came through the want to be a writer for magazines but I decided I'm not a dedicated writer, and maybe through having a blog, I will get a little more encourage to follow my writing dreams, or whatnot. The last thing I want is for people to think this is an full opinion of current events: I am not that kind of person. I rather talk about what has happened and how that affects that now. Like today, I felt a weird feeling watching the news (which I never do) and listened to all the commemorations to 9-11. I got a bit emotional although I never felt connected to what happened at the time. But today, especially how gloomy it was this morning, got me thinking how when we get older we feel different about things that happened in the past, indirectly or directly at us. I hope to have this blog throughout college and maybe even later so I can look back, like a journal or diary, and realize the changes and forming views I had or will always have.

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