Friday, September 12, 2008

Conflict is for the "deaf"

Personally, I hate conflict between others. I don't mind it much when it involves me and an individual because I can somewhat control it. I swear, I was back in junior high at work today. Well it felt like it. The "she said, she said" (i wrote two "she said"s because my coworkers are all girls, which is part of the problem I presume) situation came up between two girls, well not girls, women. They both have children and a, some could call it, decent job. They do everything that is assumed everyone else should do at their ages. Because of the talk around the salon, one of them thought the other one had a "problem". I decided not to take sides because I am usually the mediator, and I decided to quit that position. I am just a spectator trying to put on invisible ear muffs. They were talking at first, but then the other one wouldn't STOP talking, so then it became a bicker and the old "please! you know what you did" discussion. Eventually one walked away huffed and puffed and the other just seemed to mumble and mumble, like she always does. I retreated the to person that is done with the gossiping about things that don't matter. Instead of talking about life and things that could actually change a persons day for the positive, they make a problem worse, and make their experience negative. I do realize that sometimes I can talk a lot and get irritated about a certain type of discussion I have with people, but I want to try and take back the position of "listener" until someone asks my opinion. I'm a good advice giver, but I feel that when it isn't thought through, it's only an opinion, and no longer advice. I feel like in this life, I am the person that is in the view of the audience trying to understand because no one can say/show what they feel anymore. All they do is put up a very thick and unbearable fence/gate/wall and instead of thinking "why am i doing this?", they just feel they need to make it even more defensive and also bring out the arrows and cannons.

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