Saturday, September 13, 2008

Colds suck

I don't understand why colds have to happen at all. I eat pretty freaking good and I try to cover myself if it is ever chilly outside. I blame it on air-conditioners. I say this because at my work they are all working and moving around, and me being the receptionist, I just sit around and talk to people, which doesn't take much physical activity. So, I come in from the warmth outside and I enter an igloo of a hair salon to my death! Oh well, I guess I just need to start carrying numerous amount of sweaters. The good thing is that my coworkers love me and they do my jobs when I don't feel very well. There really is no point to this blog except that I feel bad and I guess I wanted to type it out for no one to really read. I really don't want to miss any work or school so I am going to DOWN Airborne so that my immune system sky rockets, which makes my red blood cells and white cells kill all the nasty cells making me sick. What's great is that I don't work tomorrow. I am going to concentrate in gaining some strength and cleaning my room. I can't find my remote in my tiny room and that's not good because I'm lazy and hate having to sit up to change channels or the volume. What a lame weekend.


Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

Haha you should feel the A/C out here in Florida. It is so humid out that everyone has their A/C cranked up to 11, if you will. It's seriously like a 30 degree difference.

Haha the captcha below is "jaoovmm" lol I like that one.

Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

Haha the little word box that you have to type in order to post a comment...right now it says "uifzc" but when I posted last it said "jaoovmm" lol

I'm lame, I know, I know.